Kids Stay Active and Have Fun with Knockerball Chicago Events!


Bubble Soccer is the latest trend in fun and fitness and thousands are flocking to the fields to try this hilarious extreme sport. Say goodbye to traditional kick-ball a new sport is taking over parks around the country. But this isn’t your typical ball sport: Bubble Ball involves climbing inside an inflatable bubble and subjecting yourself to getting bounced, rolled, and flipped. Not only are participants having a ball they are actually engaging in some really great excersice as well. In a recent article Shape Magazine discusses this latest sports craze and how exactly you play the game.

The team at Knocerball Chicago likes to emphasis both the fun and fitness part of the game. A perfect program for Park Districts and schools studies show that kids who believe they are competent and have the skills to be physically active are more likely to be active. And those who feel supported by friends and families to become active, or surrounded by others interested in physical activity, are more likely to participate.Sometimes all it takes is one good idea to get you off your feet. 

Remember choose activities that you think sound like fun. Always consider your abilities and current level of fitness before trying something new. Starting slowly is safe for most people. If in doubt, consult your health professional.

Not highly competitive in nature Bubble Soccer is meant to be fun and encourage team work with the different games you can play.  Is anyone really keeping score? You’ll be laughing too hard to keep tally. As much fun as it is watching people chase a soccer ball, it is hilarious watching the bounce around upside down with their legs in the air. Ready to give it a try? We will be waiting for your call!



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