Knockerball for the Holidays!

Knockerball Christmas Tree

Show of hands, please…

Who is sick of lame conference-room parties with fluorescent lighting that can make even the brightest of confetti seem unfestive?

All of you?

Well, don’t worry Cubesters – we’re here to help.

Holiday parties are anything but ordinary at Knockerball Chicago! The Christmas season is ideal for gathering all of your staff, showing appreciation, and celebrating the year’s success. Nonetheless, putting on a great holiday bubble soccer party also requires thoughtful coordination and planning. Our event coordinators are standing by to help you plan your company’s bubble soccer holiday party.

The holiday season is the perfect time for team building events such as a bubble soccer holiday parties. The most important factor in any team building event is that it’s fun. Everyone learns more effectively in an environment where they are relaxed and buoyant.

Holiday parties, when done right, carry many benefits. They have the potential to bring employees closer together, encourage teamwork, enrich the company culture and show that everyone’s efforts throughout the year are appreciated.

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